
Postgraduate Degree

Course Contact
  • 2 YearsDuration
  • 60 Number of Seats
  • Full time Degree Course

Program Overview

The M.Sc. in Computer Science is a two-year postgraduate program, divided into four semesters. The course includes both theoretical and practical components, designed to provide in-depth knowledge of computer science and its applications.

The program also includes elective courses and a significant project work component in the final semester, allowing students to specialize in areas of their interest.


  • To equip students with the skills necessary to contribute to academic and industrial research projects.
  • To provide students with a deep understanding of core areas such as algorithms, data structures, computer architecture, software engineering, artificial intelligence, and database systems.
  • To ensure that students gain hands-on experience through laboratory work, projects, and internships.
  • To develop students’ communication, teamwork, and leadership skills.
  • To facilitate interactions with industry professionals through seminars, workshops, and guest lectures.
  • To encourage students to pursue further education, certifications, and professional development opportunities.


  1. B.SC CS or BCS with 50% & 45% for Reserve Category
  2. Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science/ Information Technology OR
  3. / Electronics Telecommunication with 50% marks.
  4.  Bachelor of Computer Science (B.C.S.) OR
  5. B.Sc.(Computer Science) B.C.A.(Science) OR
  6. B.Sc.(Information Technology) B.Sc.(Data Science) OR
  7. B.Sc.(Cyber and Digital Science) OR B.Sc. (Cyber Security) OR
  8. B.Sc. (Cloud Computing) OR
  9. Bachelor of Engineering(BE) in Computer Science/Information Technology OR
  10. /Electronics and Telecommunication/AI and Data Science/AI and Machine Learning/ equivalent OR
  11. B.Voc. in Software Development/ Information Technology
  12. B.Sc. with Computer Science as Principal Subject OR
  13. General B.Sc. with Computer Science as one of the subject at TYBSc level
Course Curriculum
A)          Course Outline:

 Major Core

CS-501-MJ   Advanced Operating System

CS-502- MJ Artificial Intelligence

CS-503- MJ Principles of Programming Languages

CS-504- MJP Lab course on CS-501-MJ

CS-505- MJP Lab course on CS-502-MJ

Major Elective

CS-510- MJ Advance Databases and Web Technologies

CS-511- MJP Lab course on CS-510-MJ


CS-512 -MJ   Cloud Computing

CS-513-MJP Lab course on CS-512-MJ – 2 — 4 15 35 50


CS-514-MJ   C# .NET Programming

CS-515-MJP   Lab Course on CS-514-MJ


CS-531-RM Research Methodology

B)          Value Added Courses:

  1. AWS Advanced 1
  2. Power BI
 A)          Course Outline:

Major Core

CS-551-MJ Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CS-552-MJ Mobile App Development Technologies

CS-553-MJ Software Project Management

CS-554-MJP Lab course on CS-551-MJ

CS-555-MJP Lab course on CS-552-MJ

Major Elective

CS-560-MJ Full Stack Development – I

CS-561-MJP Lab Course on CS-560-MJ


CS-562-MJ Web Services

CS-563-MJP Lab Course on CS-562-MJ


CS-564-MJ ASP.NET Programming

CS-565-MJP Lab course on CS-564-MJ

On Job Training CS-581-OJT On Job Training/Internship (120 Hours)

B)          Value Added Courses:

  1. AWS Advanced 2
  2. Tableau

Automation anywhere 1/year

A)          Course Outline:

Major Core

CS-601-MJ Software Architecture and Design Pattern

CS-602-MJ Machine Learning

CS-604-MJP Lab course on CS-601-MJ and 603

CS-605-MJP Lab course CS-602-MJ


Major Elective

CS-610-MJ Full Stack Development- II

CS-611-MJP Lab Course on CS-610-MJ

CS-613-MJP Lab Course on CS-612-MJ


CS-614-MJ Soft Computing

CS-615-MJP Practical on CS-614

Research Project

CS-631-RP Research Proj



B)          Value Added Courses:

  1. AWS Advanced 3
  2. Ethical Hacking
A)          Course Outline:

Major Core CS-651-MJP Full Time Industrial Training (IT)

Major Elective CS-652-MJ Online/MOOC (Elective Courses List)

Research Project CS-681-RP Research Project Work (180 hrs)


B)          Value Added Courses:

  1. AWS Advance 4
  2. Advance Ethical Hacking

Automation anywhere 1/year


Admission Procedure

Every eligible candidate has to pass a Common Entrance Test/Personal Interview to be conducted by College.

Let Us Help you makeThe Right Career Decision!


Manthan Patrekar

I am really grateful to my teachers who have changed my whole aspect towards learning. I express my heartfelt thanks to the institution for giving me the perfect opportunity to explore myself

Course - SY MSC 2023-24

Manthan Patrekar

I am really grateful to my teachers who have changed my whole aspect towards learning. I express my heartfelt thanks to the institution for giving me the perfect opportunity to explore myself

Course - SY MSC 2023-24

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